Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011 - 10.5 Months

I have thought about doing this for awhile now, but every time I start, I feel silly.  Today is the 10th anniversary of a day that changed the entire world and I want you to remember what was happening in your life and in ours on this day.  Right now you are so mobile, we have to have eyes on you at all times.  You love to get in to everything and you know exactly what you aren't supposed to have so you go to reach for it (like the computer, mouse, anything on the dining room table, etc...the list goes on) you look one of us straight in the eye and slowly pull it toward you or push it off the table with a look of "oops...well since this fell...I guess I better take it".  It is so hard to tell you no because you are just so dang cute.  I cannot believe how smart you are.  Dad took a video of you trying to put your own sock on- at 10 months old!!!  You got it down to your foot, opened it up, and were actually trying to get it on.  You are so quick and watch everything that everyone does.  I can't believe how much you learn and while I want to document everything- I would much rather just spend the time experiencing it with you.  Right now you are watching daddy eat a drumstick and trying to steal the remotes from him.  You are such a little goose (which is what we call you) and are just too cute for words.  I hope that you always know how much we love you and how special you are.  On this day ten years ago, the most lives on US soil were lost and they were taken so unexpectedly that it is a good reminder for all of us that we can be gone at any moment.  I hate when my parents talk like that, and hopefully your dad and I aren't going anywhere, however I want you to know how very special each and every minute is with you.  Watching daddy play with you reminds me of an old Brad Paisley song, "When tough little boys, grow up to be dads, they turn into big babies again..."  I want to try to document one day (at least) per month for you, something I try to do in your baby book, so that you have something to look back on and see what life was like when you were too young to remember.  Love you Kinsley-roo.  Love, momma 

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